Covid Info
For ongoing general Covid information in Teton County visit
You can call the Teton County Covid hotline at (307) 732-8628 between 9am-4pm Monday-Friday to get assistance.
You can email the Teton County Health Department at with questions.
The following information is from the Teton County Health Department
Testing Information
Rapid PCR testing (get results in 1 hour) is now available for FREE in Teton County through Curative in the Target Plaza next to Subway.
Use this test if you are symptomatic or a close contact to someone who tested positive to Covid and are in the correct window for testing.
To book an appointment CLICK HERE
For more information on Testing Options CLICK HERE
When to Test?
You have symptoms:
Vaccinated or not TEST IMMEDIATELY
This includes cold-like symptoms.
Isolate from others until you receive a negative result.
Do not attend class until you receive a negative result and are symptom free and feeling better.
You are exposed to someone who tested positive:
“Exposed” means you are considered a “close contact.” An individual is considered a close contact if they were within 6′ of the positive case for 15 minutes or more.
This only applies if the interaction was within 48 hours of the positive case’s symptom onset OR asymptomatic positive test specimen collection (whichever occurred earlier).
If you are fully vaccinated (>2 weeks after last recommended dose) and symptomatic TEST IMMEDIATELY.
Quarantine until results received. Isolate if positive.
Do not attend class until you receive a negative result and are symptom free and feeling better.
If you are fully vaccinated (>2 weeks after last recommended dose) without symptoms TEST 5-7 DAYS following a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed Covid. Last exposure = Day 0. Monitor for symptoms for 14 days. Isolate if test is positive.
Do not attend class until you receive a negative result.
If you are not fully vaccinated quarantine. Last exposure = Day 0. If there are no symptoms: test on day 5, release on day 8 after a negative test. TEST IMMEDIATELY if symptomatic.
Monitor for symptoms for 14 days. Isolate if test is positive.
Do not attend class for 11 days and only if you are symptom free and feeling better.
To Book Vaccine Appointments
You can also call Albertsons and Smith’s Pharmacies for information on available vaccines